Men’s/2s Programming

*currently on hold*

Due to the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult decision to put a hold on most regularly scheuduled programming. We are working on moving these items to a virtual platform, as we realize they are an essential service to our community.

If you would like to stay informed on these programs and other updates to our services, please click here to subscribe to our NEW monthly newsletter!

First 12 Weeks

Beginning of the Assimilation
Unity of Trust & Safety
Finding Our Spirit

Second 12 Weeks

Changing of Directions
Assimilation Part II
Gifts of the Four Directions
Breaking the Cycle
Positive Parenting Skills

Final 12 Weeks

Acceptance of the Past
Vision & Voice
Empowering Our People
Restored Balance

Contact our Fire Keeper Kelly Curley for more information at 519-570-9118 or email at