Healing of the Seven Generations is disheartened by recent events that occurred in relation to our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples display. Unfortunately, in the evening of Wednesday May1st an Individual stole one of our red shirts from the display in our front yard.

It has been less than a week since we have had this display up to remember and honour our community members who have gone missing or have had their lives stolen from them. Each year we honour those who have been impacted by the Missing and Murdered epidemic across Turtle Island and to have it disrespected leaves us with very heavy hearts.

This is not just a stolen Red T-shirt, our display has a very deep and symbolically meaning. Each year we honour the stories of those impacted by violence and each piece of clothing on display represents an individual who has been impacted by this epidemic. It’s more than just a shirt, and it is more than just a day. Incidents like this have occurred every year for the last three years and although this incident lays heavy on our hearts we recognize the importance for us to continue to build recognition for our people who are disproportionately impacted by violence.

We ask that our Neighbours please keep an eye out and report anything out of the usually.

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